Age: 31

Sex: Male

Location: Lives with Mom

Weight: Over 300 pounds

Occupation: Unemployed

Pluatus is a BPE reg who recently took to hanging in ET chat.  He is  referred to  as a "BPE reject" among ET regs. Plaut maintains he did leave mommys house and spent time in prison in between his eratic jobs. He will also inform you he lives with his Dad and Brother as well so that makes leeching off Mom ok. Moms finacial suport means he doesnt have to work and has ample time for booting.

Suspect is also known to have problems maintaining erections



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Extraterrestrial Life

Beyond Planet Earth

This Lamer runs boot codes in both ET and BPE, usually room boots but also weak scripts for invite bombs. His MO is to rapidly change id's and spam boot codes in the room in rapid succession.

 We strongly encourage everyone to report his future senseless acts of room harassment to yahoo at time of offence.


Lamers in the news

Let there be no doubt that script kiddies--inexperienced malicious programmers--have taken up the once lowly skill of virus writing. Goner's (w32.Goner.A@mm) pop-up displays look like a typical script kiddie Web-site defacement, complete with the typical script kiddie "greetz." Besides spreading rapidly by e-mail, and therefore posing a threat to e-mail servers, Goner spreads via ICQ and also shuts down antivirus and firewall protection, leaving your Windows computer vulnerable to other attacks. Because it deletes files, Goner ranks a 7 on the ZDNet Virus Meter. click for full story

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