Age: 19

Sex: Female

Location: Woodland MI

Occupation: Unemployed

Talk about fatal attraction. Pop is a long time ET reg who is in a perpetual pity party. In between booting  lagging and whining  this lamer finds time to spread half cocked gossip and lies and also stalking. 

The question burning in our minds is does Mitchell know who Stanley is?

This Lamer runs boot codes in  ET . She is known to boot males who refused  to cyber with her and boot stalk them although she will also boot women she is jealous of. The most aggressive of the bunch even plautus doesn't try this hard. Her favourite MO is to boot through PM using multiple ids. She tends to favour laggers booters and malicious URLS



Popularity Kills/Mrs_Icewind

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Extraterrestrial Life.

click for sample of code sent to Aprils PM under multiple Ids these were laggers combined with malicious urls witch have been removed so as not to have them passed around. (please read below for the severity of these)

Aliases used to boot : i_am_evil_pop  poppys_pet_penguin pop_the_ambystoma_maculatum my_honey_rides_red dances_with_stanley

ISNT POP HARMLESS? Why is she on the lamer list? This is not harmless it can cause thousands of dollars dammage. Pops code targets XP users. Shes so lame she probably has no idea the dammage she could potentially cause and shes a real bitch if she does.

Windows XP has contained a critical flaw that could be trivially exploited at any time by any malicious cracker (obviously shes a lamer not a cracker but the script kiddy is doing a crackers job). By causing any Windows XP system to process a specially-formed URL (web-style link), the XP system would obediently delete all or most of the files within any specified directory.

This flaw is considered critical because these malicious URLs could be delivered to any XP user through any means: via an eMail solicitation, a chat room, a newsgroup posting, a malicious web page, or even processed automatically without the user clicking anything by merely visiting a malicious web page. In this case its pops  script kiddy. To protect yourself from people like pop download and run the 30k XPdite program on your Windows XP system. it will instantly eliminate this critical vulnerability. XPdite only needs to be run once to secure your system from this trouble, after which if can be deleted from the system. In fact, if you right-click on the XPdite link and choose 'Open' or 'Run', you can run it without even installing it in your system.





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