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  Security Columns

Welcome to the section of Empire Computers devoted to security. We hope you enjoy our first edition. Due to the complexity of the issues we will not be running this section with a regular host. Instead Security articles may be submitted to empire_editors@yahoo.com Include a small photo of yourself and your websites url.

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Click here for "Trojans an indepth look at sub7

Zip sneaks under anti virus radar 

Feeling Cocky Punk?

April Griffin



You know the type. The big mouthed one feeling all tough behind his computer as if his computer and anonyminity is a suit of armour. While your busy running your yap Mr big man let me ask you this ARE YOU REALLY ANON? Are you?? In most cases the answer is no. 

Contrary to popular belief privacy and the internet do not go hand and hand. Just for kicks and giggles lets take ourselves on an educational interactive field trip through what's out there, how do we fix it and how can we be sure who we are dealing with?

Lets start by shattering your illusions of privacy!  As soon as you visit a website we know things about you. We know your ip addy, who your isp is, the browser your running, what site you were viewing before you came here, how many sites you viewed in this browser session, your screen resolution and your colour settings. If you hop on over and post anon on the board we know who you are. The general public might not know because we respect your right to berate people anon like the mouse you are but we know. To set the tone of paranoia (twilight zone music please) lets start here http://www.privacy.net this will give you some ideas to how much we know about who is running around on the net and its a really awesome site eh. Its not just websites that compromise your privacy, its emails, games applications.  

If your a fan of Diablo, starcraft or War Craft this article about the makers will be of interest to you Blizzard gets sued for snooping on gamers . Not that I'm here to lay a verbal smack down on Blizzard I love their games. Mattel, cute FTP and real player are just a few more  companies that made use of spy ware. Spyware is falling out of fashion but there's still a fair amount of it around.  I would recommend visiting our spyware section to see what you can do about that. 

Next up I would like you to take a cruise through this nifty site Shields Up! Test your shields and probe your ports don't forget to grab his FREE IP Agent to help turn off the neon sign that's pointing to YOU.

You are probably getting the point here so lets get on with how you can shape things up. first grab this little toy called ID Serve this is going to tell you about the sites that you visit, so you can find out how secure their servers are and give you  more idea on who NOT to let have your credit card number. Use the IP Agent. get rid of your spyware (except real player I allow this because it is a must have). use a decent firewall I'm partial to hardware as opposed to software, after your firewall such as ZoneAlarm if you prefer software is installed run the leek test. things wont be perfect and most of the time there will still be ways to find out who you are but this is a good start to securing your privacy and protecting your system. This should at least give Mr Big mouth something to think about.


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