Now that you have installed WS_FTP
installed lets get started. Open the program. You will see a
box pop up that says session properties.
Profile Name
is the name of your website, this is just for you so you can
find it in your list of profiles if your managing multiple
sites. fill it in.
your host
name/address if your FTPing to tripod is
if not check on your providers
site for the ftp addy
User ID
is your username at tripod
is your tripod password
Check save password
to make your life easier.
don't worry about the
account space you don't need it for tripod.
That's it it should
go to your tripod file manager now. If you are disconnected
just click connect at the bottom of the window. Select your
profile and click ok.
To the right you
will see the files already loaded to tripod. The left is
your computer.
To change directory
click Chg Dir and type in the addy to your web folder C:/My
Documents/My web/ or you can use the green arrow in the file
list to navigate up and click on the file you want to your
left just like you navigate when you are browsing your
Select the files
you wish to transfer. in between your file list and tripods
file list are two arrows you press the direction you
want to transfer once your files are selected. You can
transfer back and forth from your file manager, which is
awesome because you can move your whole website at once.
I personally build
my site on my computer and lay it out exactly how I want it laid
out in the file manager. One click and it all goes
once in a while you
will notice when you are adding a new folder it will add the
folder but not the contents. This isn't a big deal. just
open the folder in both file windows and transfer over the
That's all you need
to know to get started FTPing to your site. I told you it
was easy!