October 27 2002
of the Roger Wilco (R.W.) voice client is relatively simple.
Of course the first thing to do is install it :P. Next R.W.
will take you through a set-up in this set-up you will need to
select various setting all of which are easy to change later.
The first item to set is if you would like to use Direct sound
or .wav to send your transmission to whoever your talking to.
I recommend that you use the Direct Sound if you are on a
newer machine that has Direct Sound. If not you may want to
use the .wav set-up. Next you'll see a screen asking for what
driver to use, you should set this to what ever driver your
system uses for sound (i.e. Soundmax, Intel integrated audio
etc . Next thing is a microphone set-up which is self explanatory
in that it just allows you to test your mic to see if its
working properly and to adjust the volume accordingly.
Following that R.W. will automatically detect if your sound
device can send and receive transmissions or only receive
transmissions. This setting should already be set to whats
available for you (unless your using an older machine you
should have full duplex selected for you). After that the next
screen is a basic Hotkey set-up. The default Hotkey is F12 and
is recommend that you leave it as is because not many programs
utilize this key (except for Real One Player in which the F12
key allows you to rotate the browser from web to your library
to cd etc etc). If your using Real One you only need to put
the browser in the background or close it entirely to avoid
confusion with this Hotkey. Anyway, this Hotkey is for sending
your transmission to other user's) that would be on your
channel. Basically you hold down the F12 key to talk, let up
to stop. Next you'll be asked your connection speed most user,
if on dial up, should go ahead and use fast modem (if this
poses a problem you can change it later). The default port
that R.W. uses is fine the way it is I don't recommend
changing it unless your an advanced user and if you were
advanced you wouldn't be reading this :D. Then you will be
asked what CPU priority to give R.W. if u have a newer machine
with decent speed go ahead and give R.W. high CPU priority.
This insures good sound along with reliability. Finally you
get to enter what name or "call sign" you would like
to use. Now that we have you set-up I'm going to give you a
real simple run through of getting connected o someone. When u
run R.W. you will see a window with 5 tabs in it (channel,
transmit, adjust, host base station, about). The simplest way
to use this is to select the channel tab then click create.
You'll then be asked for a channel name and this is where you
and your friends can meet up. You can also make the channel
private so you don't have people coming in and out from the
channel listings. Once your channel is created you will see a
new window with your name in it. Also you will see the channel
name along with some numbers (your i.p) in the "Hosting
on" area. You only need to copy this (the channel name
and numbers) using a right click and send this information to
your friend(s). Once they have this information they can click
join on the channel tab input the information in the
"address and channel of host" field then click join
and your chatting in voice. Have fun