An Ip addy is your
virtual address just like your home address. It tells where
you are. Ips are given to both computers and websites. A dynamic
ip changes each time you access
the internet. A static ip , usually cable, stays the same.
Ping Trace Who Is?
Analysis Test Sites
can tell your ip addy, who your isp is what kind of browser
you used, your screen resolution, what site you visited last,
what OS your running all that good stuff. Now don't freak out
most of us who pay attention to that just want to know who we
are designing for ...screen resolution...browser ect. I wouldn't
get too worried about it I think a lot of people tend to over panic
about getting hacked if you practice good security techniques
you will be just fine *looking around all paranoid now* a good
firewall and some changes in settings should cover you. Just to show you
here's my ip you can use the free trace link above
to trace it ....its me eh the trace will bring you close
enough to know that but it dies when it hits my hardware
firewall (physical) and doesnt actually reach my computer which
shows what good privacy and security settings can do. Still
just the thought of all this information being collected is
unnerving. there's lots of good tests and privacy software out
there so you should be able to hit a level where you feel
confident and safe with minimal effort.
Up. Test your computer for vulnerabilities online
the FREE
IP Agent
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