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Sunday, October 27, 2002  Webmasters Section
Sunday, October 27, 2002  Webmasters Section

Getting Started

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Whether you choose to use a WYSIWYG (* What You See Is What You Get *) editor or an HTML or TEXT editor it's beneficial to know how to write HTML and if you're at all serious about web design you might as well learn it. Yes a WYSIWYG or an HTML Editor is fine....once you know what you're doing. Knowing the code gives you unlimited control and editors, though time saving, are never perfect. You still need to edit out all the mistakes it can generate afterwards and as a bonus they will be far less confusing!

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and tells the browser how and what to display to people visiting your web page. It seems a little confusing at first but with some practice and patience you can learn it too!

HTML files are plain text files, so they can be composed and edited on any type of computer. Any text editor will do the trick. I prefer to use notepad myself and recommend it to windows based users. You can find it by pressing start/programs/accessories/note pad.

Important Note: when you save the HTML file in notepad you must use the "save as" function and select all files. You must also type .html at the end of the file name like this "mypage.html"


Now lets begin. The first thing you need to know about are tags they look like this < > you write your commands or instructions to the browser inside them.

The first thing you put into the page is an opening tag <HTML> and the last thing you add is the closing tag </HTML>. notice the two are different. The / before HTML tells the browser that the command is finished. The <HTML> and </HTML> tags tell the browser when the page begins and ends.

Our next tags are the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. The head of the document is where you put the title and META tags (don't worry about META tags right now) and various information about the document. Some contents of the document heading are not displayed in the browser.

Inside the <HEAD> tags are the <TITLE> tags. They tell the browser what the page is named and make the page name appear on the title bar. So you would type <TITLE> "MY PAGE"</TITLE>.

After we close the <HEAD> tag it is time to open the <BODY> tag. Almost everything the viewer sees is put in between the body tags. You can put all kinds of instructions into the body tag and we'll get into that later. If you're working along in your editor this is what your page should look like. To close the body of your document use </BODY>, this tag goes after all the contents of your page have been entered.


To view what you've created so far, open your browser; click on the word File. In the drop down menu for File, click on Open. Another menu appears with a field to input (type) the file directory and name or you can utilize the Browse button to select the file you just created. Once you locate your file, highlight it so that the file name appears in the open menu and click OK to open it in the browser window.

Congratulations! You just coded and viewed your first web page. Oh, but wait there's nothing on the page you say? We cover that in Lesson 2- Fun with Text


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