How to launch programs from the address bar
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In order to launch programs from the address bar, you must first enable and configure it. Right-click the Taskbar, select Toolbars, then Address. You should see an address lable appear next to your System Tray with a dividing line to the left of the text. Double-clicking the "Address" text expands the address bar to reveal an address field identical ti IE's, down to the GO button. If you double click again, the field shrinks back to normal size.
To display the address field on the task bar permenantly, all you have to do is left-click and drag the dividing line that's to the left of the Address text. This will create a field on the taskbar that is always available for quick access.
Now that you have the address bar enabled, its time to use it!
Launching Internet Explorer:
Simply type in the web address and press enter or click Go.
Launching Applications:
For this you need to know the name of the executable file. To find the name of the executable file, right -click the applications shortcut or menu entry in the start menu. Select properties . Look in the target field fot the executable file name. To launch the program for the address bar, you dont need to enter the entire target field info, just the last part listed after the backslash.